Charlie Lim

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Singer-songwriter who has attracted attention as the most unique voice of contemporary pop in Southeast Asia and is active mainly in Singapore.
It transcends genres such as R&B and Electro-pop in Singapore's debut album TIME/SPACE, which won first place on the iTunes chart, and is known as the best pop album of the year on The Straits Times, and has won acclaim at major festivals including the 2018 Singapore National Foundation Parade.

Charlie Lim (チャーリー・リム)
シンガポールのiTunesチャートで1位を獲得したデビュー・アルバム『TIME/SPACE』でR&B、エレクトロポップなど、ジャンルを超え、The Straits Times上その年のベスト・ポップ・アルバムと称され、2018年シンガポール建国記念パレードを含む主要なフェスティバルで賞賛を集めている。

Photos by Lee Chang Ming
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